
My in-laws just had their 50th anniversary this weekend and it made me think about longevity. At Jordan Essentials, we have many consultants who have been with us as long as 10 years and some even 14 years! What makes for a relationship that is long standing?

As many new Consultants have joined us this last month, I want you to know YOU have a place here. Sometimes longevity can be interpreted as a “club” or “in the know” group, and we do not want you to feel as if there isn’t a place for you. I have found the long time Leaders and Consultants at Jordan Essentials to be the most inclusive and loving people I have ever met!! Know that you belong as part of our story!

When you start your path as a JE Consultant you are excited.  That excitement will get you started, commitment will keep you going and conviction will make you serious money!

Longevity should be your goal. You started a new business, however most new “traditional” businesses do not make it one year. But you have little invested financially and now you can invest time, care and energy for a huge pay off with that little risk.

JE has the tools and training to help you make it for the long haul.

I recently heard a powerful story that paints the picture of opportunity….Tupperware had a young lady who began selling in Russia who was in her early 20s with no car, no experience but needed an income.  She would take a train to her parties, collect the orders (no one would give her money),  fill the orders, go back to the guests and complete the orders and collect the money. That was a lot of work and commitment. She stuck with it is and is a multi-millionaire today.

She is living a successful life like no one else because she was willing to work like no one else.

I am pretty sure we have better opportunities that an impoverished Russian woman without a car. We have so many opportunities as Americans and Jordan Essentials is essentially unknown across the country….what if you really committed to a successful long term business? What if?

Longevity is…




Poor Memory for the bad things

Great Memory for the good things




Never gives up


Belief in what you are doing

You can be the success your family needs you to be when you keep your eye on the prize and the promise of tomorrow.

Enjoy the journey.


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